Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Well it's been long overdue for me to update this, and the real challenge has been with this last assignment. Essentially 3 weeks to do one 200 frame assignment, I didn't fully understand why but now I do. The learning curve is huge! It's amazing and nearly infathomable how many times I've reworked this shot and made changes; the detriments of learning body mechanics but it's really paying off. So I totally changed the idea, and reshot my video reference at the end of the week, as with this

Keep in mind the point of the assignment is to make the character do a 180 degree turn around. This idea however was well received by my mentor so I trudged forward with this

Which was a little less well recieved by my mentor, and many changes were made. Numerous iterations later, there was this

the shot nears completion and next week I will post the ultimate finished version. In the meantime, there is this shot, which I have excluded the box, but will have overlapping movement and fall off his head when he runs away. As well preconceptions for the next assignment, video reference and thumbnails shall be ready and well thought out.

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